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Fayaz and Dheena clinches the MPBA 2024 10-Ball Championship

Hussain Fayaz and Dheena Ahmed have won the Maldives Open 2024 10-Ball Championship organized by Maldives Pool Billiard Association (MPBA).

Aishath Shuba Solih
19 August 2024, MVT 10:31
Players who advanced to the finals of the 10-Ball Championship 2024. -- Photo: MPBA
Aishath Shuba Solih
19 August 2024, MVT 10:31

Hussain Fayaz and Dheena Ahmed have won the Maldives Open 2024 10-Ball Championship organized by Maldives Pool Billiard Association (MPBA).

In a relentless match against Ismail Suwaid last Saturday night, Fayaz, who competed in the finals during the last two years clinched victory at a score of 11-10 during the final game.

The best round of best male players in the championship included champion Fayaz, runner-up Suwaid, Mohamed Saahil Hameed, Ahusan Hashim, Fathuhulla Jameel, Ali Fayaz, Moosa Shaamiu and last year's champion, Hassan Shaz Mohamed.

The female victor, Dheena secured her win against Aishath Ali at a frame of 7-2, with both included among the best overall female players alongside Fageeha Ibrahim and last year's champion, Aminath Azra.

MPBA is presently gearing up to host the 2024 9-Ball Championship on September, following which the National Billiard Championship will take place in October. The 9-Ball Association Cup is scheduled to be held afterwards in November.

MPBA first held its 8-Ball Championship this year which saw Suwaid crowned the champion after clinching the finals against Saahil at a score of 11-8. Meanwhile, Azra claimed victory in the female category, defeating Aminath Haleem in the finals at a frame of 7-6.

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