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Garbage disposal and goods transportation hours in Male' to be shifted to nighttime

The government has decided to shift the hours allocated for garbage disposal and goods transportation in heavy vehicles exclusively to the nighttime.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 July 2024, MVT 19:28
Cargo transport on a vehicle in Male' City. Cargo transport on a vehicle in Male' City.
Cargo transport on a vehicle in Male' City.
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 July 2024, MVT 19:28

The government has decided to shift the hours allocated for garbage disposal and goods transportation in heavy vehicles exclusively to nighttime.

The 'Male' Fahi' program unveiled last night by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation to address congestion in Male' city outlined that goods transportation in vehicles larger than a particular size will be shifted to nighttime hours between 20:00 hrs and 05:00 hrs.

Although dedicated hours for cargo transportation in Male' was also previously altered during former President Abdulla Yameen's administration, allocating hours between 18:00 hrs in the evening to 06:00 hrs in the morning, this was later annulled during the subsequent administration of Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

During the ceremony held last night, the government also revealed its decision to alter the operation schedule for garbage disposal in the city from 22:00 hrs in the night to 05:00 hrs in the morning.

Local garbage disposal service, Waste Management Corporation Limited (WAMCO) currently operates from 19:00 hrs to 22:00 hrs during the night. Civilians, particularly students and employees, have also been posed with significant difficulties due to WAMCO's garbage disposal trucks operating on the streets during daytime hours as well.

The Ministry has yet to determine a date for implementing the new standards for waste disposal and goods transportation operation in the city although immediate enforcement was mandated in the policy.

The change was introduced to reduce traffic congestion in the Male' region, highlighted the Ministry, adding that the work will ensue in coordination with all relevant institutions.

The government has begun several efforts to resolve the escalating traffic congestion problem in Male' City, including expediting the work to tow unused vehicles left on the roads and vehicles parked unlawfully on the city streets.

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