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Raiymandhoo residents request relocation

Many residents of Raiymandhoo in Meemu atoll have submitted a request to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, appealing to be relocated to another island.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 September 2024, MVT 15:09
Meemu atoll Raiymandhoo
Mariyath Mohamed
11 September 2024, MVT 15:09

Many residents of Raiymandhoo in Meemu atoll have submitted a request to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, appealing to be relocated to another island.

Raiymandhoo Council President Ismail Nahid sent a letter to the President on August 15 to share a petition to relocate signed by many residents of the island. He asked for the government to consider possible options for relocation.

He said that although the council has forwarded the petition to relevant authorities, they themselves had not formed a decision on the matter.

Nahid told Mihaaru News that the council would only decide on the matter after considering the response from government authorities.

The petition, signed by 114 people, states that as the population of Raiymandhoo is low, and the difficulties in obtaining fundamental services, the residents wish to be relocated to another place that offers broader opportunities.

The petition states that if there is the option of relocating to RasMale' (Fushidhiggarufalhu), which the government is planning to develop, then to facilitate doing so.

The petition states that it is signed by people over the age of 18 who wish to relocate to another island. This has been checked against the latest voters' list. As per that list, 172 persons in Raiymandhoo were eligible to vote. The petition has the signature of 114 persons besides the five council members.

At present, the resident population of Raiymandhoo is at 239, with 118 males and 121 females. With the number of students being so low, formal education is only provided up to Grade 6. The school has only 8 students currently enrolled, with three foreign teachers providing education.

An island situation assessment report submitted by the Council states that the island does not have a harbour. The jetty built six years ago now has major cracks in its concrete pillars, and the jetty also does not have the space for other vessels to approach if a larger vessel such as a goods carrier is docked there.

Additionally, the jetty is located in a place where the winds are strong during the southwest monsoon, making docking there risky during this period.

They also raised concerns about erosion on the western side of the island, affecting beach front residences.

Earlier, residents of Haa Dhaalu atoll Hirimaradhoo have also requested relocation to Kaafu atoll Thulusdhoo. Thulusdhoo Council has also welcomed the move.

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