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Only accusations against Ali Waheed, no cause for action at present: MDP

MDP MP Ahmed Easa has responded to Heena Waleed's statement about Ali Waleed and the allegations of sexual harassment connected to him, stating that there only remains accusations against Ali Waheed and indicated that this is not grounds for taking action.

Aishath Shuba Solih
11 April 2024, MVT 16:31
Parliamentarian of the Kendikulhudhoo Constituency, Ahmed Easa speaking at the press conference held by MDP on April 8.
Aishath Shuba Solih
11 April 2024, MVT 16:31

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said there is presently no grounds for action to be taken against Ali Waheed, the candidate currently vying for the Southern Kulhudhuffushi Constituency in the upcoming parliamentary elections, over the case which accuses him of sexually exploiting female employees of the Ministry of Tourism during his term as the Minister of the institution.

Speaking at a press conference held on the night of April 8, Spokesperson for the opposition MDP's election, parliamentarian of the Kendikulhudhoo Constituency, Ahmed Easa declared that the candidate partaking the election under MDP's ticket, Ali Waheed, was interrogated on the allegations of sexual harassment and abuse made against him.

Easa maintained that upon surfacing of the allegations, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had taken immediate action as the President of the Republic at that time.

"Investigative institutions were assigned to investigate the case. And once the accusations were made, [Ali Waheed was] isolated from the Cabinet and all measures required by the State to allow space for the investigation was completed to the fullest extent," Easa asserted.

Spokesperson for People's National Congress (PNC), Heena Waleed had expressed concerns on MDP's defensive stance over the allegations made against Ali Waheed as well as their lack of action during press conferences held by the party in campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections slated for 21st of April.

Responding to this, Easa declared that these statements by the party is 'embarrassing' and remarked that the other individual being accused in this case remains in a senior position appointed by the President Dr Mohamed Muizzu himself.

Easa asserted that the investigation had proceeded without any external influences at the time and further highlighted the lack of suspension of a Deputy Minister of Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation (MMPRC) who has been accused of sexually harassing an employee of the corporation and condemned the lack of investigation on the case.

Former Minister of Tourism, Ali Waheed.

"Tell Heena Waleed to first right the situations that need to be improved in her own house before talking about other people. We have absolutely improved all situations in our house during instances it required improving," he said.

Moreover, Heena had questioned why there remained no action taken against Ali Waheed while the candidate running for the Kaashidhoo Constituency seat, Abdulla Jabir's ticket was seized citing disciplinary issues.

Addressing this, Easa stated that the party was facing damages due to Jabir's use of extremely profane language in premises where children and women are also present during his visits to islands.

"There are many videos circulating on social media of him shouting absolute profanities. Action was taken because the party perceived many damages were being incurred by the party due to the degrading and low ethical conduct," Easa explained.

Easa asserted that the truth was evident in the videos circulated in Jabir's case and maintained that, however, there only remains accusation in Ali Waheed's case.

Additionally, he had assured that the party will take action once investigative agencies reach a decision to renew investigate of the case and lodge a formal accusation.

While MDP has maintained this stance, the talks of sexual harassment linked with Ali Waheed had become louder with his decision to contend in the elections. The statements of the employees who had experienced harassment was also released on social media.