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Maldives president assures conducive investor environment

Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2022, MVT 11:14
President Solih addressing the India-Maldives Business Forum on Tuesday-- Photo: President's Office
Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2022, MVT 11:14

President of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih assured on Tuesday the administration's commitment to facilitate a conducive environment for foreign investments.

The president made this remark while addressing the India-Maldives Business Forum in New Delhi, India where he had also invited Indian entrepreneurs to visit the island nation and explore business prospects.

According to the Maldives head of state, the country is undergoing a "dynamic transition" post the Covid-19 pandemic.

The government intends to build a "more resilient, diverse and climate-friendly economy" and a wide range of lucrative investment opportunities are available in the Maldives.

President Solih also highlighted on the impressive track record of Maldives in bouncing back from "unforeseen hardships".

The Maldives head of state pointed out to the bounce back of tourist arrival levels in a relatively short period after the worst brunt of the pandemic was over.

He also emphasized on India being one of the top tourist arrival source markets to the Maldives.

In his address, President Solih also underscored the country's commitment to sustainable development while stressing on progressive ventures to transition to renewable energy sources from conventional power outputs.

While speaking about the close friendship between India and Maldives, President Solih expressed gratitude to the South Asian giant for remaining a reliable ally to the island nation. He also noted on the partnership shared by the countries is "exemplary of the mutual benefits" in supporting the developmental aspirations of each other.

President Solih also reaffirmed his administration's commitment in maintaining close diplomatic and friendly ties with India.

The Maldives president addressed the India-Maldives Business Forum as part of his official four-day visit to India on the invitation from its Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Earlier on Tuesday afternoon, both President Solih and Indian PM officiated the ground breaking ceremony for the largest infrastructure development project in the Maldives; the Thilamale' Bridge, coveted to link four islands in Greater Male' area.

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