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India congratulates MDP's landslide win in parliamentary elections

Shahudha Mohamed
08 April 2019, MVT 14:55
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih shaking hands with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during the President's first state visit. PHOTO: AHMED HAMDHOON/MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
08 April 2019, MVT 14:55

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the ruling coalition's leading party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), on their overwhelming victory in the parliamentary elections held on Saturday.

MDP gained a super-majority in parliament by winning 65 seats out of 87.

According to the President's Office, PM Modi in a phone call to President Solih stated that the election results prove how much the people has accepted the current administration.

Additionally, the President's Office revealed that PM Modi advised the current government to proceed by prioritising the people's demands.

The Indian Prime Minister highlighted the close bilateral ties between the two countries, and guaranteed that India will always aid the Maldivian government, the President's Office disclosed.

President Solih stated that the current government will pay close attention to the relationship between Maldives and India.

Moreover, President Solih wished for PM Modi and his respective party Bharatiya Janata to triumph in the upcoming general elections.

While diplomatic ties between Maldives and India deteriorated in former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's administration, the current government has been maintaining close diplomatic relations with the neighbouring country.

PM Modi attended President Solih's inauguration ceremony, and was also the first foreign leader President Solih met with after being sworn into office. Additionally, the president's first official visit overseas was to India.