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Dead body found in Kulhudhuhfushi lagoon

A dead body was discovered today in the lagoon on the north harbour of Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhudhuhfushi.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 September 2024, MVT 09:43
Mariyath Mohamed
11 September 2024, MVT 09:43

A dead body was discovered today in the lagoon on the north harbour of Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhudhuhfushi.

The body has been identified as Mohamed Hassan, 36, of DaisyFehi, Kulhudhuhfushi, Mihaaru News has reported.

Police said that their teams are currently at the scene after receiving reports of an unconscious person in the sea. They declined from providing further details at this time.

A resident of Kulhudhuhfushi, however, told Mihaaru News that the person found in the lagoon appears to have been deceased for some time, with the body appearing stiff.

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