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Will not appeal decision to release Maumoon, Faris and Gasim: PG

Nafaahath Ibrahim
02 October 2018, MVT 14:18
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Jumhooree Party's founder Gasim Ibrahim. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
02 October 2018, MVT 14:18

Prosecutor General's office on Tuesday said that they will not appeal the High Court's decision to release former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, his son MP Faris Maumoon and Jumhooree Party's founder Gasim Ibrahim's under bail.

The sentences of all three former prisoners were submitted for appeal at High Court on their behalf. The High Court subsequently released them on bail after being requested to put a halt on the sentencing until the appeal process is complete. All three were released after putting deposit money at the High Court.

When the prosecutors were questioned if they intend to appeal the release of Maumoon, Faris and Gasim, an official from PG office responded stating that since 'to release under bail' is a power granted to the High Court, they will not appeal the decision.

According to the High Court regulations, if an acceptable bail is requested, the court has the power to grant bail for cases being probed by the court, until the end of the trial.

Prior to his release Maumoon was serving a jail sentence of one year and six months over charges of obstructing justice, following his refusal to hand his phone to police for investigations.

Faris was sentenced to four months and 24 days after being charged with identity theft for using ruling party Progressive Party of Maldives logo and flag at an opposition press gathering.

Gasim, who is currently in self-imposed exile in Germany was sentenced to two months and 12 days after being convicted on charges of bribery.