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Lawyers move to free jailed politicians

Fathmath Shaahunaz
24 September 2018, MVT 16:22
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (R) and Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon. FILE PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
24 September 2018, MVT 16:22

In the wake of the opposition coalition's victory in the Presidential Election, lawyers are resuming efforts to free convicted political figures.

Legal advocates are submitting court cases, seeking to release political figures that have been remanded until the end of their trials, or currently serving jail sentences over various convictions.

The lawyers of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and his lawmaker son Faris Maumoon, on Monday filed at the High Court to release them from detention. Gayoom is serving a sentence of a year and seven months over obstruction of justice, while Faris is serving four months and 24 days over identity theft.

The lawyer of Gayoom's son-in-law, Mohamed Nadeem, has also filed at the Criminal Court seeking the release of his client.

Similarly, the lawyer of Galolhu South MP Ahmed Mahloof, who is currently under house arrest, has submitted to review his client's remand at the Criminal Court.

Meanwhile, the hearings of several convicted or detained politicians are slated to be held Monday evening, including Mohamed Nadeem, Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz, and Machangolhi South MP Abdulla Sinan.

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