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Ex-pres' children hit back at lawsuit over pending MVR 2 million

Aishath Mihna Nasih
21 February 2017, MVT 10:32
The four children of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom (L-R): Dhunya, Faris, Yumna and Ghassan.
Aishath Mihna Nasih
21 February 2017, MVT 10:32

The children of Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom have denied the claim that they owe over MVR 2 million as delayed payment to a private company, of which jailed former Minister of Defence Mohamed Nazim’s family are stakeholders.

Rasheed Carpentry & Construction (RCC) Company filed a lawsuit at the Civil Court stating that the four siblings have yet to pay the company for the development of a building under their names. Dhunya, Yumna, Faris and Ghassan Maumoon denied the accusations in a press statement, declaring that the building was of very low quality and, hence, they do not owe RCC any retention fee.

Responding to the public regarding the lawsuit, the statement read that no further details could be revealed as the matter is now being probed by the Civil Court.

Mihaaru understands that it has been four years since the building was completed.

Meanwhile, the Civil Court has also ordered a shareholder of local firm Sunland Hotels Pvt Ltd, Hussain Hilmy, to pay over MVR 2 million owed to the former Defence Minister Nazim.