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Electrocution victim still on ventilator support

The 18 year old boy who was electrocuted in Raa atoll Ungoofaaru while attempting to save another child remains in serious condition, and is currently still on ventilator support.

Malika Shahid
03 June 2024, MVT 12:41
[File] IGMH: the victim is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital and remains on ventilator support
Malika Shahid
03 June 2024, MVT 12:41

The 18 year old boy who was electrocuted in Raa atoll Ungoofaaru, located in northern Maldives, while attempting to rescue an eight-year-old, remains in serious condition and is currently still on ventilator support.

The victim electrocuted in the incident, which took place on May 23, is a resident of the island; Hussain Atheeg, Dhoonihuraa.

He was first brought to Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital for treatment and placed on ventilator support. Three days later, on May 26, he was transferred to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in the capital city Male' for further treatment.

A family member informed Mihaaru news that Atheeg's condition remains serious, with no signs of improvement.

"Condition is critical, he has suffered multiple injuries, scans show damages to his kidney and brain," he said.

Atheeg was electrocuted after coming into contact with a puddle of water that had been electrified through a street lamp post.

Two children, aged 8 and 12, had been playing in the vicinity of this electrified puddle, unaware of the danger. The first to get electrocuted was the 8 year old child.

Seeing the child in distress, the 18 year old rushed to their rescue. In efforts to save the 8 year old, the 18 year old slipped in the puddle and fell in, with his hand coming into contact with the electrified lamp post.

The 12 year old who witnessed the scene also needed medical attention after the incident.

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Police IGMH
