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Race car accident: Driver denied lawyer, released from remand

Ikram, the driver of a speeding race car which was involved in the accident has been released from remand after High Court found he was not given the opportunity to be represented by a lawyer during his remand hearing.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 18:15
[File] Roadside accident involving a high speed race car --
Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 18:15

The driver who was arrested for driving a speeding race car that crashed into a motorist who was stopped on the side of the road in Hulhumalé Phase two back in July has been released from remand.

The accident took place near Vinares flat areas on 31st July when the car spun out of control while attempting to make a turn. A man named Ibrahim Vikram was arrested that night after he fled the scene.

Although he was remanded pending the outcome of his trial, he appealed this decision at the High Court, which ruled in his favour.

His remand request was made by Maldives Police Service and it was accepted by the court. At the time it was said that he was arrested on a warrant because a person was injured in the accident, Ikram and two other passengers fled the scene, and because there was a possibility that they might destroy the evidence, influence witnesses, as well as endanger the society.

Based on this, the court granted his remand pending the outcome of his trial.

Ikram, in his appeal with the High Court, said that he was presented before the court for the remand hearing without providing his lawyer the opportunity to represent him. Based on this, the High Court quashed the remand order.

Judge Mohamed Faisal, who presided over the case, said in his verdict that the warrant was requested at 06:44 pm and that the lawyer requested to represent the defendant at 07:23 pm, with Ikram accepting the request at 08:28 pm. Following this, the lawyer was appointed at 09:52 pm. However, Ikram was presented to court at 10:00 pm and the hearing started at 10:04.

As such, the High Court ruled to dismiss the remand order since Ikram was denied legal representation at the hearing.

The other two individuals who were arrested with Ikram were Ikramurrahman and Jinah Ismail.

According to photos from the accident scene, the car involved in the accident had a B-zone number plate. This means it was not registered to be driven in the Malé zone, as B-zone vehicles can only be driven in the south and north of Maldives.

Footage from the accident which surfaced on social media shows that the car's high speed impact on the victim threw him flying across the pavement. Parts of his motor cycle including the seat also broke into pieces. Although the victim did not sustain life threatening injuries, he suffered severe injuries to the face.

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