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Naeema's murder: police guarantees murderer will be found

Lamya Abdulla
27 April 2023, MVT 11:11
(FILE) House where Naeema was found closed for investigation on April 8, 2023 --
Lamya Abdulla
27 April 2023, MVT 11:11

The Noonu Manadhoo Council has once again expressed its concern over the delay in finding the murderer of Naeema Moosa, a woman who was found dead in the island on April 7.

Manadhoo Council President Abdul Rahman Sabeeh told Mihaaru News that the Manadhoo Police had met with the Northern Regional Police Commander and Head of Forensic Police on Monday regarding the case.

When asked about the progress of the investigation, Sabeeh said the police assured them that they will find the murderer.

"This is a major concern of ours as we have been living in fear like this since Ramadan. It is difficult to accept the case to be this lengthy," Sabeeh said.

Police found multiple stab wounds on Naeema, 62, when they broke into her residence after she was reported missing. Naeema had lived alone.

Sabeeh said forensic police were still active on the island and DNA is being collected from the residents of the island, including locals and foreign migrants.

However, police has not disclosed whether there is a suspect in the investigation so far.

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