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Japanese Foreign Minister to visit Maldives

Rabeeha Amir
25 July 2023, MVT 13:14
Minister of foreign affairs Abdulla Shahid meets with Japanese foreign minister during his visit to Japan in September last year -- File photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Rabeeha Amir
25 July 2023, MVT 13:14

The Japanese minister of foreign affairs, Yoshimasa Hayashi, is scheduled to visit the Maldives on an official trip on Saturday, July 29. This visit comes in response to an invitation extended by the Maldives minister of foreign affairs, Abdulla Shahid.

According to the foreign ministry, a Human Resource Development Scholarship Agreement between the Governments of Maldives and Japan will be signed during this visit.

This will mark the first visit of a high-ranking Japanese government official to the Maldives since the visit of former foreign minister Taro Kono in 2018.

The relationship between the Maldives and Japan dates back to November 1967 when they established diplomatic relations. Since then, Japan has been actively providing assistance in various areas, including infrastructure, environment, and fisheries sectors in the Maldives.

Japan has been a key player in developing human resources in the Maldives, offering numerous scholarships and training opportunities across different fields every year.

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