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Maldivian musician Adhuham releases first solo track under Indian record label, Vindictive

Maldivian musician performing in the resort music industry, Ahmed Adhuham's first solo track, titled 'Remember My Name' was released this Friday which features lyrics written by the Maldivian singer himself.

Aishath Shuba Solih
15 July 2024, MVT 13:20
Cover of Adhuham's solo track, Remember My Name.
Aishath Shuba Solih
15 July 2024, MVT 13:20

Maldivian musician performing in the resort music industry, Ahmed Adhuham has released his first solo track after signing onto Vindictive Records, based in Punjab, India.

A song featuring Adhuham's English rap, titled 'Hope' was also released by the record label earlier in June. Hope is an original work of the Indian music artist, Manu Rai and features Adhuham in his first ever song for the record label since his signing, rapping lyrics written by himself.

Adhuham's first solo track, titled 'Remember My Name' was released this Friday and also features lyrics written by the Maldivian singer himself. The music video of 'Remember My Name' shows scenes of the singer playing basketball, a sport he is engaged in real life as well.

"Remember My Name is an inspirational song dedicated to all those who believe they can turn their dreams into reality." wrote Vindictive Records, adding that this energetic fusion of Hip Hop and Rap is framed around real events of struggles and success.

Adhuham had earlier shared that he had signed a five-year contract with the Indian record label, which states that he must deliver nine original songs with music videos annually. Remember my Name marks his first song of this year with four more solo track releases coming soon.

Adhuham is set to release two more original English tracks and six Hindi songs within the year, all of which will be written and composed by the talented singer.

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