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Three remanded after attack on policeman

Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 August 2017, MVT 11:15
Azhar Ibrahim, 32, who has been arrested after stabbing a policeman
Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 August 2017, MVT 11:15

The Criminal Court ordered Saturday to remand three people who are under arrest for attacking a policeman with a sharp object.

Constable Ali Razzan, who works at Maafushi Police Station, was injured in the early hours of Saturday during a police operation to capture a group of men en route to Maafushi island from capital Male. They were suspected of plotting to smuggle some items into Maafushi Prison.

The prime offender in the case is Azhar Ibrahim, 32, who stabbed Constable Razzan below his left shoulder with a sharp object when the police squad attempted to apprehend the men after they disembarked from a speedboat at Maafushi. Police also arrested two other men, aged 32 and 51, and a minor in connection to the attack.

The Criminal Court on Saturday ordered to remand Azhar until the end of his trial. The court also added ten days to the remand of the other two men while the Juvenile Court decided to release the minor.

According to Police, Azhar was carrying two sacks containing several mobile phones, chargers, batteries and headsets which the group planned to smuggle inside the prison. Police added that Azhar Ibrahim has a long record of various criminal offences.

Constable Razzan is currently receiving treatment at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in capital Male. IGMH reported that his condition is steadily improving.

Minister of Home Affairs Azleen Ahmed, Minister of Defence and National Security Adam Shareef, and Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef visited the recovering constable and met with his family members on Saturday.

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