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Third Pest Management Conference; Pesterminators awarded neutral carbon status

Pesterminators has held their third third International Pest Management Conference on May 29. The company marked a milestone this day, announcing that they have achieved carbon neutral status and accepted the certification during the ceremony.

Aishath Shuba Solih
06 June 2024, MVT 10:32
During the third International Pest Management Conference held by Pesterminators on May 26. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd
Aishath Shuba Solih
06 June 2024, MVT 10:32

The third International Pest Management Conference organized by the Pesterminators Pvt Ltd, has taken place at the Manhattan Business Hotel on May 26.

This conference celebrated a significant milestone for Pesterminators in becoming the first and only pest management service provider in the country to achieve carbon neutral status.

The company was awarded this certification by the Control Union Audit Body during the opening ceremony of the conference. The certificate was received by special guests of the ceremony and the senior management of the company, including the Managing Director, Directors and the CEO.

Special guests and senior representatives of Pesterminators accepting the carbon neutral certification awarded to the company during the third International Pest Management Conference held on May 26. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd

Established in 2015, Pesterminators has excelled in the pest management industry for nine years. In light of their commitment to educate and raise awareness on sustainable pest management practices while enhancing the quality of their services, the company has conducted comprehensive training programs, community outreach initiatives and informative conferences such as this to equip stakeholders with the right tools for sustainable pest management.

"Environmental responsibility is at the heart of Pesterminators." said CEO of Pesterminators, Sathes Chandran during the ceremony.

He highlighted the company's dedication to achieving sustainable development goals, particularly the science based pest management procedure, aligned with the 1.5 principle in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy. This includes tracking chemical usage and carbon emission which reflects the company's dedication to transparency and ecological care as well reducing ecological footprint, said Sathes.

CEO of Pesterminators, Sathes Chandran speaking during the third International Pest Management Conference held on May 26. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd

The company aims to decrease their share of one chemical solution by 40 percent in 2028 by focusing on innovative approaches designed to reduce environmental impact. CEO of Pesterminators had further revealed that a project to record data and integrate it to an AI system has also been mapped out within this aim.

The seminar held on Wednesday under the theme, "Be the Change Integrating Sustainability, Innovation and Technology in Pest Management for a Greener Tomorrow" had addressed methods to adopt sustainable pest management contingencies in the country.

"The benefits of sustainable pest control method includes reducing exposure to harmful chemical, protecting the environment, preserving beneficial organisms and creating a healthier environment for all," said the Managing Director of Pesterminators, Hussain Rasheed during the opening ceremony.

Participants of the third International Pest Management Conference held by Pesterminators on May 26. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd

Held every two years, this conference aims to raise awareness among tourism sector stakeholders on sustainable pest management technology. The conference delivered seven informative sessions from multiple foreign dignitaries sharing their values, ideas and experiences on greener and sustainable methods towards approaching pest management.

Multiple engineers and executive housekeepers from various resorts across the country had also attended the sessions of the conference.

Male’ City Council Mayor, Adam Azim, Minister for Agriculture and Animal Welfare Dr Aishath Rameela and Vice President and President-elect of The Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations (FAOPMA), Raju Parulkar were also special guests at the ceremony.

Minister for Agriculture and Animal Welfare, Dr Aishath Rameela during the third International Pest Management Conference held on May 26. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd

Minister of Agriculture, Dr Rameela had stressed the importance of pest management in safeguarding public health and creating a better community during the ceremony. Highlighting that pests, including mosquitoes, flies and roaches are vectors of harmful diseases, she had recalled that mosquito-borne disease such as chikungunya is a highly common occurrence in the country.

"By effectively managing and controlling these pests, we can significantly reduce diseases and hence, contribute to a healthier community." she said.

President-elect of FAOPMA, Raju Parulkar had further endorsed this during his speech, noting that professional pest management organizations provide important services to ensure the health of the public. He had emphasized that pest management service providers are bound by four parameters and noted that these parameters are precisely integrated into the services provided by Pesterminators.

Special attendees of the third International Pest Management Conference held by Pesterminators on May 26, posing for a photo on the stage after the opening ceremony. -- Photo: Pesterminators Pvt Ltd

He had also stressed that Maldives, - as a country renown for its beauty and singularity - must focus on preserving public health and making accessible improvements.

Pesterminators had also introduced a pledge of commitment on occasion of achieving carbon neutral status during the ceremony. Participants of the conference were urged to write a pledge containing their names and message of support before attaching it to a tree outside the conference hall. The company had vowed to plant two new trees for each pledge they receive.

Adopting sustainable practices in every aspect of their operation, Pesterminators are now leading the way for a greener future across the country.

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