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Gasim's murderer Adhuham sentenced to death

Malika Shahid
18 April 2023, MVT 00:54
Ahuham Mohamed who has been convicted of Gasim Hassan's murder has been sentenced to death Ahuham Mohamed who has been convicted of Gasim Hassan's murder has been sentenced to death
Ahuham Mohamed who has been convicted of Gasim Hassan's murder has been sentenced to death
Malika Shahid
18 April 2023, MVT 00:54

The Criminal Court on Sunday, sentenced Adhuham Mohamed to death for the murder of a local taxi driver, Gasim Hassan.

Adhuham was sentenced to death after he pleaded guilty to the murder, following statements from Gasim's heirs. His five children testified at the trial that they wished to seek the death penalty for their late father.

In December of 2019, Gasim was driving a taxi in Hulhumalé when Adhuham fatally stabbed him in the neck in an attempt to rob him from the back seat of the car. After pleading guilty to intentional homicide with a sharp object, he later said the attack was unintentional. Adhuham had also confessed that he was in an inebriated state during the attack.

Adhuham was convicted on March 19. Judge Ali Nadheem said that although Adhuham had spoken differently about the motive for the attack, he had always admitted to stabbing Gasim.

The judge said there was no doubt that a knife was used in the crime as the DNA of both Gasim and Adhuham were found on the knife. He said the intent to kill can be determined by the weapon used and the organ targeted.

The judge also noted that Adhuham's decision to flee the scene instead of helping Gasim while he was crying for help after the attack further solidifies Adhuham's intent to murder.

He added that although Adhuham had said he was inebriated at the time of the attack, it was clear that he was not in a state where he did not understand the consequences of his actions.

The judge said the medicolegal report showed that Gasim had passed away due to the injuries to his neck. The judge noted that everyone has the right to life and that there was no reason for Gasim's murder.

A person's right to life can only be taken away by a court judgment. Gasim was killed without any such judgement against him, Judge Nadeem stated, highlighting that the act was committed at Adhuham's own discretion.

Adhuham had previously said he pleaded guilty under the influence of drugs. The judge said he had made a commutation agreement with the state after pleading guilty during the investigation and that his statement cannot be accepted as he had pleaded guilty several times in court.

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