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Helicopter services to be launched in Maldives this year

President Muizzu said that the helicopter services to be set up by the end of this year will also include a dedicated helicopter for medical evacuation purposes.

Malika Shahid
16 March 2024, MVT 14:53
President Muizzu, First Lady Sajidha, Vice President Hussain and Minister of Defence Ghassan stand next to a drone after the launching ceremony of Maldives first military drones held last night -- Photo: President's Office
Malika Shahid
16 March 2024, MVT 14:53

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu announced last night that "helicopter services" will be launched in the Maldives by the end of this year.

He made this statement while speaking at the historic ceremony held at Maafaru International Airport in Noonu Atoll to inaugurate the first military drones for surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Maldives.

Three drones or "Unmanned Aerial Combat Vehicles" (UAVs) brought from Turkey were unveiled and put to use last night. President Muizzu stated that most of the equipment that will be used by the MNDF Air Corps to surveil the EEZ of the Maldives were gifted as free aid to the Maldives by Turkey due to the close relations between the two countries. Additional drones will also be brought in this year.

President Muizzu noted that the current government has recently established a Dash 8 aircraft and a seaplane as air ambulances to transport the ill in emergency situations. He said that the "helicopter services" to be set up by the end of this year will also include a dedicated helicopter for medical evacuation purposes.

President Muizzu speaks during the launching ceremony of military drones -- Photo: President's Office

"We will seek assistance where necessary. These kinds of things must be done by ourselves in our own capacity," President Muizzu said.

"When these three aircraft are added to the air ambulance service, we will be able to build our own capacity in this regard as well. What is being done is something that I believe will make all of us proud," he said.

India had previously donated two helicopters and a Dornier aircraft to the Maldives for transporting the ill in emergency situations. However, after President Muizzu's decision to repatriate the Indian military personnel who operated these aircraft, it has been revealed that they have not been used since the current administration assumed office. Instead, President Muizzu's government converted a Dash 8 aircraft and a seaplane into air ambulances and put them into use to reduce dependence on foreign assistance.

Therefore, two aircraft under the full control of the Maldives Government are currently operational in the Maldives for transporting patients during emergency situations.

During the ceremony held last night to inaugurate military drones, President Muizzu announced that helicopters would also be included in the MNDF Air Corps to enhance the capacity of the Maldivian army. He indicated that additional military assistance would be received from Turkey this year, including helicopters.

According to President Muizzu, the decision to transport the ill during emergency situations was made to provide Maldivians with the freedom to handle matters within their own capacity.

While President Muizzu has announced that helicopter services will be launched in the Maldives, the government has not yet announced plans for the aircrafts gifted by India. Although all Indian military personnel operating these aircrafts will be repatriated before May 10 this year, an agreement has been reached to bring in Indian civilians to operate these aircrafts, and some have already arrived. Currently, helicopters used in Addu City are operated by Indian civilians who have replaced the India's military personnel.

President Muizzu has maintained that the Maldives' economic zone will be managed by Maldivians, and there should be no foreign control over it.

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