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SATA presents special award to MU Manik

Mariyath Mohamed
24 November 2023, MVT 23:24
SATA Awards
Mariyath Mohamed
24 November 2023, MVT 23:24

South Asian Travel Awards (SATA) has presented a special award to tourism sector pioneer Mohamed Umar Manik (MU Manik).

At a ceremony held in Kurumba Maldives, SATA presented the award in recognition of MU Manik's extensive work in promoting tourism in the Maldives.

SATA Awards

MU Manik is among the first to operate a resort in the Maldives. Even at present, he is the leading resort operator in the country.

SATA Awards were established in 2016. This is one of the most prominent tourism related awards granted in this region. The SATA Awards are recognized by government agencies in 15 countries in the region. This includes agencies in India, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

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