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Ministry seeks locals to lead Tarawih prayers with hifz

Application forms, along with required supporting documents, can be obtained from local council offices or the ministry’s official website at www.islamicaffairs.gov.mv.

Malika Shahid
11 December 2024, MVT 16:48
Prayer recital during last Ramadan Prayer recital during last Ramadan
Prayer recital during last Ramadan
Malika Shahid
11 December 2024, MVT 16:48

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has announced seeking local Hafiz to lead Tarawih prayers in addition to observing Hifz [memorization of Quran] during the month of Ramadan.

Application forms, along with required supporting documents, can be obtained from local council offices or the ministry’s official website at www.islamicaffairs.gov.mv.

Hafiz selected to lead Tarawih prayers in mosques will receive an allowance of MVR 500 per night, for two Hafiz per mosque.

The ministry is also seeking Maldivians to lead prayers at the Islamic Center and Salman Mosque in Male'. Hafiz selected for these mosques will receive an allowance of MVR 700 per night.

The government has launched a Khatib Training Programme which equips participants with the skills to deliver sermons (khutbah), lead prayers, and receive other religious training. In addition to school graduates, students from Grades 10, 11, and 12 are also taking part in these programs.

Ministry of Islamic Affairs granted permission to 270 children under 18 to deliver sermons and lead Friday prayers.

The government aims to train 1,000 khatibs during its term.

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