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Suspended Maamendhoo Chief Magistrate resigns

Ahmed Aiham
27 October 2020, MVT 15:49
Former Gaafu Alif Atoll's Maamendhoo Magistrate Court's Chief Ahmed Shukoor. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Ahmed Aiham
27 October 2020, MVT 15:49

The suspended Chief Magistrate of Gaafu Alif Atoll's Maamendhoo judicial constituency, Ahmed Shukoor, handed in his resignation on Tuesday.

His resignation comes amid a motion filed at the parliament requesting his dismissal after the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)'s investigation revealed acts of corruption and misconduct by the magistrate.

According to JSC, Shukoor had met with the attorney of an individual with close ties to Shukoor prior to their remand hearing, as well as publicly endorsing a presidential candidate during the previous elections.

JSC also identified that Shukoor, in an out of court meeting, informed Maldives Police Service of a decision he would later take in relation to a remand hearing for suspects facing charges of terrorism in 2018.