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Gov appoints Munavvar and foreign legal team to review sea dispute

Lamya Abdulla
26 January 2024, MVT 08:27
(FILE) Dr. Munavvaru: Along with a foreign team, Dr. Munavvar has been appointed to review the sea dispute between Maldives and Mauritius -- Photo: Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
26 January 2024, MVT 08:27

Maldives government has appointed former Attorney General (AG) Dr. Mohamed Munavvar and a team of foreign lawyers to review the decision of the International Tribunal on Oceans in the maritime dispute between The Maldives and Mauritius.

Last year, Mauritius filed a lawsuit against the Maldives at the Oceans Tribunal, which ruled that the Maldives would get a larger area of the disputed sea area. However, the current government accuses a portion was lost due to former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s actions, and is committed to recover them.

In a statement, the Attorney General's Office (AGO), said Attorney General Dr. Ahmed Usham has decided to seek legal advice from Munavvar, an expert on maritime law.

According to the statement, apart from Munavvar, the government has also appointed a British legal expert and a Malta lawyer to work on this case. AGO said, the lawyers' team will look into the previous government's handling of the maritime disputes, the defenses brought to the Maldives in the case, and the letter written by former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to the Prime Minister of Mauritius, and the way forward in the case.

The AGO said that once the work is completed, the government will receive their legal advice by early next month. Once the suggestions are received, it will be submitted to the cabinet for a decision on the next course of action, it said.

After receiving the report from legal experts, the report was submitted to President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, AGO said in their statement. It will be then sent to parliament and will be made public for public viewing, along with the expenses incurred for this endeavor.