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Foreigner fined MVR 50,000 for attempted shark fin smuggling

Shark fishing and trade of its products is illegal in Maldives.

Ameera Osmanagic
18 July 2024, MVT 18:53
Customs seized an illegal shipment of shark fins, declared as salted fish at VIA, on January 3, 2021. PHOTO/CUSTOMS
Ameera Osmanagic
18 July 2024, MVT 18:53

Criminal Court yesterday handed a fine of MVR 50,000 to a Sri Lankan national who attempted to smuggle shark fins out of Maldives.

Prosecution pressed charges against him after shark fins were found in his luggage while attempting to fly out of the country via Velana International Airport (VIA) last year.

The hearing today ruled that the accused is convicted of the crime by their own admission and that it carries a prison sentence of between six months to two years or a fine between MVR 10,000 and MVR 240,000 as per Maldives Customs Act.

As such the judge ordered a fine of MVR 50,000, being in the best interest of all parties involved, adding that the decision was based upon documents submitted by the defendant, proving that their child was hospitalised following an accident.

As such, the individual was ordered to pay the fine within one month’s time.

Shark fishing, trade of any shark product and its export out of the country is illegal by law in Maldives.

While shark attack incidents have claimed lives and caused injuries, in addition to difficulties for fishermen, there have been calls to allow shark fishing in the country. However, these calls are met with strong opposition from environmental advocates who insist on maintaining the ban on shark fishing.

The government has not made a decision on the matter.

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