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Coalition leaders face protest against mogul influence in parliament

Ahmed Aiham
21 December 2018, MVT 09:14
Government coalition faces a demonstration initiated by political movement 'Navaanavai' calling to free the parliament from the influence of business magnates. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
21 December 2018, MVT 09:14

The relatively new political movement 'Navaanavai', staged a peaceful protest demanding to safeguard the parliament from the influence of business tycoons, in front of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and the four leaders of the ruling coalition, on Thursday.

The four leaders, Qasim Ibrahim of Jumhooree Party (JP), former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Sheikh Imran Abdulla of Adhaalath Party (AP) and former President Mohamed Nasheed, faced the protest at a press conference, following a meeting of the coalition frontmen at Hotel Jen.

Placards held by demonstrators from the political movement 'Navaanavai' calling to free the parliament from the influence of business tycoons. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/MIHAARU

The placards readout "Free the parliament from the influence of tycoons", "Recover the islands stolen by magnates", and advocated against electing candidates who refuse to declare their assets.

According to local media Mihaaru, a reporter at the conference stated that roughly 10 people entered the premises alongside the press, adding that Hotel Jen was dissatisfied with their presence.

ruling faces a demonstration initiated by political movement 'Navaanavai' calling to free the parliament from the influence of business magnates. Banner reads "Recover the islands stolen by magnates" PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/MIHAARU

Nasheed informed security that the coalition had no qualms with the demonstrators being present at the location.