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Indian military personnel stationed in Addu leave Maldives

Indian military personnel stationed in Gan, Addu to run operations of the helicopters gifted by Indian government to Maldives have left the country.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 March 2024, MVT 19:13
One of the helicopters gifted to Maldives by the Indian government.
Mariyath Mohamed
11 March 2024, MVT 19:13

Indian military personnel stationed in Gan, Addu to run operations of the helicopters gifted by Indian government to Maldives have left the country.

Approximately 25 Indian military personnel were engaged in the operation of the helicopter in Addu.

An MNDF Media Official confirmed that, as agreed, the Indian military troops left the country ahead of March 10.

The helicopters will, from now on, be operated by civilian experts from India who have been transferred to the Maldives for the purpose.

The official further assured that additional Indian military personnel stationed elsewhere in Maldives will also be leaving on schedule, currently announced to be by May 10.

Governments of Maldives and India reached an agreement where the military personnel stationed in Maldives to operate these aircrafts used in medical evacuations and search and rescue operations will be replaced with civilian experts from India.

The government has previously stated that a total of 89 Indian military personnel are in the Maldives.

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