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JSC's president opposes amendments to the commission's act

Anaan Bushry
19 October 2022, MVT 15:54
[File] President of JSC and Thulhaadhoo MP Hisaan Hussain [File] President of JSC and Thulhaadhoo MP Hisaan Hussain
[File] President of JSC and Thulhaadhoo MP Hisaan Hussain
Anaan Bushry
19 October 2022, MVT 15:54

The Parliament today passed an amendment to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Act to change the procedures for hearing cases of judges.

It is an amendment to expedite the deadline for deciding cases heard by the commission.

Presenting the report of the Judiciary Committee on the amendment, the committee chairman and North Maafannu MDP MP Imthiyaz Fahumy said the Judiciary Committee had noticed contradictions between the decisions of the JSC inquiry committee and the decisions of its members.

The committee of inquiry sought the advice of the JSC to add a provision to the bill to send the report to the commission without taking a decision. However, the commission objected to it, he said.

The committee decided to keep the proceedings as they were in the past as requested by the JSC, according to Imthiyaz.

After the committee report was submitted, Imthiyaz proposed an additional article to the bill before the vote. According to the amendment, a copy of the report that is sent to the JSC members must also be sent to the judge to whom the case is addressed, after the judiciary committee decides on a case.

The motion was supported by West Henveiru MDP MP Hassan Latheef. Although 53 members voted in favor of including the proposal in the bill, Thulhaadhoo MP Hisaan Hussain, who is the president of JSC, voted against it.

The Vice-Speaker of Parliament and North Galolhu MP Eva Abdullah, who presided over the session, asked to pass the entire bill with Imthiyaz's amendment. 53 members voted in favor of the bill. However, Hisaan abstained from voting.

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