Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen on late Friday, declared that no additional individuals were reported under suspicion of the Novel Coronavirus.
Speaking at a late night press briefing, Minister Ameen disclosed many individuals were reaching out through the outbreak hotline, adding that test results for the first suspected case of the deadly virus would be available within three days.
Dr Ali Latheef noted the patient as stable and without complications.
Although Maldives currently sends samples to Pune, India for testing, the government is making arrangements for testing capabilities in Thailand. While it takes 12 hours to analyze the sample in Pune, the World Health Organization (WHO) informed the government that the sample from the suspected individual can be sent to India on Saturday.
The government is also monitoring two additional Maldivians that visited China. While these individuals do not meet the criteria to be quarantined, Minister Ameen said the two will be tested for the virus.