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BML opens applications for scholarship fund

Lamya Abdulla
02 November 2023, MVT 06:10
BML Head Office.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
02 November 2023, MVT 06:10

Bank of Maldives (BML) has opened application for their scholarship fund.

The bank said applications are open until November 4.

The scholarship fund is aimed at building talented local youth in the banking and financial sectors, and will cover all the costs of the winning candidates to pursue their education abroad.

The three students selected by the applicants will be eligible to complete an undergraduate programme in banking and finance such as accounting, financial technology, financial engineering, risk management or financial reporting and analytics.

Maldivians between the ages of 18 and 25 who have passed all the subjects of the A-Level examination can apply for the fund. Under the fund, tuition fees, monthly expenses, visa fees, book purchase expenses, establishment allowance and ticket expenses have been earmarked.

Applicants for the fund will have to submit their application form along with other necessary documents to [email protected] via e-mail. Further information about the eligibility criteria for the recruitment of students and the eligibility criteria for selecting students can be found on the official website.

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