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Judicial examination introduced for new judges

Ainy Rasheed
04 August 2023, MVT 20:26
[File] President of JSC Hisaan: Applicants for position of judge now require to take judicial examination
Ainy Rasheed
04 August 2023, MVT 20:26

Individuals seeking the role of judges will now be subjected to a judicial examination conducted by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), in addition to meeting the requisite educational qualifications and undergoing an interview, as part of the selection process for the position.

the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has announced the introduction of a specialized examination for aspiring judges from January 1, 2024. According to the JSC, the examination will assess candidates' capability and understanding of laws, policies, and court procedures.

JSC said that meeting the educational prerequisites alone will not suffice for candidates aspiring to become judges and successful completion of the examination administered by the commission is mandatory in order to secure the position.

Although the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has the authority to appoint judges to the High Court and lower courts, it holds an advisory capacity in the process of appointing judges to the Supreme Court.

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