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Male' records highest amount of rain in past 24 hours

The highest amount of rainfall in the past 24 hours was recorded in capital Male' City, MET Office has said.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 January 2025, MVT 11:20
Weather Weather
Mariyath Mohamed
11 January 2025, MVT 11:20

The highest amount of rainfall in the past 24 hours was recorded in capital Male' City, MET Office has said.

From 8 am yesterday to 8 am today, the highest rainfall, recorded at 130.7 mm, was experienced in the capital.

The second highest rainfall was recorded in Hulhule', where the Velana International Airport is located. There, 79.5 mm rainfall was recorded. The third highest was at Alif Alif atoll Thoddoo at 70.3 mm rainfall.

Roads in Male' are also flooded in the constant rains, with MNDF saying that 6,835 tonnes of flood water was pumped out by 6 am today.

MET OFfice said that heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected in northern and central Maldives today. Southern islands will also experience squalls, with thunder likely.

Due to this, a Yellow Alert has been issued from Shaviyani atoll to Meemu atoll until 3 pm today. Prior to this, a White Alert was issued from Haa Alif atoll to Meemu atoll.

Wind speeds in Southern islands are expected to be between 5 to 15 mph from south west and west. Other areas will see winds from north east and ease between 10 to 20 mph. Wind gusts of 35 mph are predicted.

Southern atolls may have moderately calm seas, with wave heights of 2 to 5 feet. Other areas are expected to have moderately rough seas, with strong winds and wave heights of 4 to 6 feet.

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