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MPs Jabir, Ghani and Rasheed contend for MDP PG leadership

19 November 2023, MVT 12:23
Alifushi MP Mohamed Rasheed, Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir, and Kurendhoo MP Abdul Ghani Abdul Hakeem: The three are contending for the post of MDP PG leader
19 November 2023, MVT 12:23

Alifushi MP Mohamed Rasheed, Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir, and Kurendhoo MP Abdul Ghani Abdul Hakeem have submitted their nominations for the position of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) parliamentary group leader.

The vacancy arose after Hithadhoo North MP Mohamed Aslam who filled the role of PG leader, was elected as Speaker of the Parliament. The party announced that the election for the new PG leader will take place on Thursday.

The candidates have been assigned numbers, with MP Mohamed Rasheed receiving candidate number one, MP Abdul Ghani being assigned number two, and MP Jabir receiving number three.