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MDP moves forward to remove Nasheed as Speaker

Mohamed Rehan
08 October 2023, MVT 14:10
Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed; MDP has decided to move forward with a no-confidence against Nasheed once again-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
08 October 2023, MVT 14:10

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has resumed its efforts to proceed with a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Mohamed Nasheed to have him removed from his position.

It was reported that MDP is expected to hold a parliamentary group meeting on Sunday, October 8, to discuss its move for the no-confidence motion.

Sources also report that the ruling party had gathered the necessary number of signatures from its parliamentary group members to submit the motion.

Regulations dictate that the dismissal of the parliament speaker via a no-confidence vote is possible with 45 members voting in support.

The ruling party's members in the parliament currently exceed this minimum requirement.

MDP had submitted a no-confidence motion against Nasheed earlier as well, but it was rescinded by the party before it was tabled for parliamentary debate.

After facing defeat in MDP's primary, Nasheed left the party to found The Democrats in support of his close allies, including a dozen of MDP members who had also exited the party.

During the first round of the presidential election, Nasheed and his newly founded party mounted harsh criticism against incumbent president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and the ruling party.

After the runoff election was triggered, Nasheed and his party chose to remain neutral without siding with either President Solih or Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

Nasheed and The Democrats stated that the party will have a notable role in the next administration led by President-elect Dr. Muizzu.