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Former President Yameen launches campaign activities

Mohamed Rehan
04 July 2023, MVT 13:44
PNC leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla speaks with the local media at the ceremony held to launch campaign activities for the imprisoned former president Abdulla Yameen-- Photo: PPM
Mohamed Rehan
04 July 2023, MVT 13:44

Supporters of the currently incarcerated former President Abdulla Yameen have taken charge of his campaign efforts, aiming for a landslide victory in the first round of the election.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign efforts, the President of the People's National Congress (PNC) and leader of the PPM/PNC coalition, Abdul Raheem Abdulla said that campaign teams would be visiting all residences in Malé City to collect voter information.

Abdul Raheem stated that Yameen's participation in the election would guarantee a victory for them in a single round.

"We will compete in the elections with Yameen and emerge victorious in the very first round. With him, we are confident that a second round will not be necessary," Abdul Raheem said.

Abdul Raheem added that the campaign efforts would advance with the direct involvement from Yameen. However, the former President is currently serving an 11 year prison sentence for convictions related to money laundering and graft.

Spokesperson of the party and renowned former TV presenter, Heena Waleed highlighted that the opposition's campaign activities commenced with door-to-door initiatives aimed at identifying eligible voters for the presidential election. She further mentioned that these efforts would be expanded to include other atolls in the upcoming weeks.

Currently, Yameen lacks the legal grounds to participate in a presidential election scheduled for September 9, owing to his prison sentence. However, both PPM and Yameen's defense team remain optimistic about the possibility of a successful appeal in the High Court. His only chance at contesting the election hinges on a favorable outcome of his appeal within the next month.