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Fuggiri trial postponed again

Anaan Bushry
02 July 2023, MVT 13:33
Former President Abdulla Yameen
Anaan Bushry
02 July 2023, MVT 13:33

Today's hearing for former President Abdulla Yameen in the Raa atoll Fuggiri case has been postponed once again.

Yameen, who is currently serving time in prison for accepting bribes and money laundering in the lease of Vaavu atoll Aarah, is facing additional charges of accepting a bribe of USD 1.1 million while leasing Fuggiri and using the bribe for money laundering.

The hearing scheduled for today was canceled due to the submission of medical certificates by Yameen's co-accused, Ahmed "Krik" Riza, citing health issues, according to the Criminal Court. This is not the first time the hearing has been canceled for the same reason.

In addition to Yameen and Riza, the state has also charged Sun Investments and Construction company in connection with this case.

The prosecution is currently in the process of recording statements from witnesses as part of the legal proceedings. The court has scheduled hearings for the case on the upcoming Tuesday and Thursday, as well as the following week.

Meanwhile, Yameen's appeal against his prison sentence is still pending in the High Court. He has expressed frustration over the delay in the appeal trial, stating that it is a result of the back to back hearings of the case scheduled by the Criminal Court.

Yameen had previously announced his intention to run for president earlier this year.

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