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Shamah maintains he has done nothing that warrants suspension

CEO of MIFCO, Shamah has been suspended from his position. While PCB claims the suspension was to allow for a fair investigation and was within administrative procedures, Shamah maintains this was an act to tarnish his reputation.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 March 2024, MVT 12:56
MIFCO and PCB officials at the parliament -- Photo: People's Parliament
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 March 2024, MVT 12:56

Managing Director and CEO of Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO), Ahmed Shamah Rasheed has stated that he has done nothing that warrants suspension from his company position.

The Committee on State Owned Enterprises had summoned senior officials of MIFCO and the Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) to the parliament to be held answerable regarding the matter of suspending Shamah from his position. Shamah had maintained he had done no wrong that would mandate suspension while answering a question by the Committee.

Responding to questions by parliamentarians, Shamah further stated that no prior notice was issued when the Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) had suspended him and that neither reason for suspension nor details of his actions leading up to it had been provided.

"All the legal procedures were not completed as per my knowledge," said Shamah.

He revealed that a letter containing 12 bullet points was delivered to MIFCO prior to his suspension and that the letter had been divulged to other members of the company's board as well as social media without permission. Shamah asserted that this was undoubtedly an act to tarnish his reputation.

Further disclosing that PCB had sent a letter containing 5 bullet points after enforcing his suspension, Shamah explained that these points entailed questions on whether MIFCO deals with people who has familial or business connections to him and if a relative was granted a job from the company. He added that the letter further directed provisions of the board's decisions as well.

"There is no one at MIFCO who is related to me by blood whether it be my great great grandfather. And this is not just cause for suspension anyway," said Shamah.

Shamah had further assured that MIFCO held no communication of any sorts with people he held business and familial connections with.

Managing Director and CEO of Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO), Ahmed Samaah Rasheed.

PCB maintains that this was an administrative measure

Speaking in address of the case, Vice President of PCB, Mohamed Firaz had first requested the committee to proceed confidentially. Firaz had asserted that there is some information that cannot be disclosed in front of the subject of the matter, Shamah, as the investigation is presently ongoing.

However, members had responded in the negative to the chairman's question inquiring if the committee meeting should proceed closed. Their line of thinking on this decision was that the people will be able to clearly understand the inner workings of MIFCO only if transparency is enforced to a greater extent in proceeding the case.

With the decision to proceed openly, Firaz shared that the cases against the CEO of MIFCO was received through the Whistleblower Portal of PCB. Stating that the person who submitted these issues cannot be identified due to this, Firaz revealed that many material such as biblical proof and messages related to the case were provided.

Firaz emphasized that around nine summary cases were included in that and ascertained that five different charges can be decreed over Shamah.

He elaborated that the use of the MIFCO building for political purposes amid the parliamentary elections, granting of gift hampers, expending MVR 1.3 million on trips and employment of family within the company were listed in these allegations.

Firaz had further assured that Shamah's suspension was not to enforce punishment over these issues and that it was done within administrative procedures to temporarily isolate him for a brief time in order to ensure the case is investigated justly without any influence.

Multiple members had insisted that PCB had taking action against Shamah without completing the procedures and asserted that these allegations over him does not give cause for suspension.

However, PCB had been reiterating that that the suspension was an administrative measure to ascertain investigation are proceeded without any unjust influences.