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MPL signs to set up yacht marina in Uligan

MPL has signed an agreement with HA. Uligan council to develop a yacht marina in the island within six months from starting work.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 August 2024, MVT 21:25
Signing ceremony of the MoU to develop a yacht marina in HA. Uligan -- Signing ceremony of the MoU to develop a yacht marina in HA. Uligan --
Signing ceremony of the MoU to develop a yacht marina in HA. Uligan --
Ameera Osmanagic
01 August 2024, MVT 21:25

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) today signed an MoU to develop a yacht marina in Haa Dhaalu atoll Uligan.

The agreement was signed by MPL's CEO Mohamed Wajeeh and Council President of Uligan Ahmed Muaz Mohamed to develop the yacht marina and the necessary facilities to provide services for the yachts.

At the MoU signing ceremony, Wajeeh stated that the work of establishing the marina will commence this year and that it would be completed and open for service within six months.

MPL also said that they are currently in the process of formulating the concept and discussing with potential investors.

Wajeeh also said that MPL is working at a fast pace in the construction of offices for the international bunkering and maritime services to be offered at Ihavandhippolhu, adding that these services would also create many job opportunities.

"Uligan has always been visited by an unusually high number of yachts. It is a concern of the island council and its people that the services needed by these yachts are not available on the island," he said.

The island's council president said that this yacht marina is a long-term dream of the island residents.

"I cannot remember a time when foreign vessels have not visited this island. Work was done with previous governments to find a way to provide services for yachts. Previous governments did not pay heed to the concerns we raised," he said.

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