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Public Accounts Committee discloses information declared confidential by Judiciary Committee

The information concerned the Tax Appeal Tribunal with serious allegations made against several members of the office.

Ameera Osmanagic
10 July 2024, MVT 09:53
Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee and MP of Maamigili constituency Qasim Ibrahim --
Ameera Osmanagic
10 July 2024, MVT 09:53

Information declared as confidential by the Judiciary Committee of the parliament was disclosed by Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee Qasim Ibrahim on Tuesday.

The information was related to a letter submitted to the parliament concerning the Tax Appeal Tribunal. The Judiciary Committee initially reviewed the letter last week in a closed meeting to clarify further information from the individual who sent it, as they were in attendance.

During the meeting, the Committee decided to maintain the identity of the individual confidential.

However, Qasim read the letter during today's Public Accounts Committee meeting, revealing the name and address of the sender.

By reading the letter, Qasim also disclosed that it requested an investigation into the activities within the Tax Appeal Tribunal. The letter accused some members of influencing operations, making unnecessary expenses from the budget, and engaging in illegal activities.

After Qasim read the letter, the committee's secretariat clarified that the Tax Appeal Tribunal falls within the mandate of the Judiciary Committee and that it is currently under review by that committee.

As such, the Public Accounts Committee determined that the matter need not be decided upon by them.