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VAM Elections' Candidates Announced Despite Order to Halt Process

12 March 2024, MVT 12:42
Latheef VAM
12 March 2024, MVT 12:42

The VAM has announced the names of the candidates for the elections despite Sports Commissioner Mohamed Tholal’s request to halt the election process.

The VAM elections were announced on the 3rd to be held on the 15th of this month.

Three days later, Sports Commissioner Mohamed Tholal signed and issued a notice ordering the VAM to put the election process on hold until the Olympic Committee and sports council met with the VAM's current Exco and made a decision.

"Therefore, I request you to hold a meeting with the Governing Committee of your Association, including the Maldives Olympic Committee and the Sports Council, regarding the holding of the elections of your Association and to halt the elections process at present."

However, the VAM did not pay heed to the directive and the election process went ahead.

On the third day of this month, the VAM announced that it was looking for someone to conduct the audit for the past four years. Yesterday was the deadline for applications.

The VAM has already announced that it will hold an extraordinary congress tomorrow night. The congress also has on the agenda the issue of deciding how to carry out the audit work of the last four years and appointing an auditor.

VAM's new regulations put the number of Exco members of VAM at 15. The association had earlier said that the six members, who are currently in Exco, will be part of the 15 members. There is only one year left in the current term.

Exco members are invited to be elected to fill nine vacancies for the remaining one-year period.

Under the previous rules, Exco, which was elected in April 2021, had a vacancy for the post of president. Mohamed Ranesh, who was holding the post, has resigned from the post.

At the end of the deadline, only one candidate has applied for each post. Mohamed Latheef, the president of the previous term, had applied for the vacant post of president for the new term.

Former national team coach Mohamed Sajid (Katte) had filed his nomination for the senior vice-president's post. Ali Latheef is running for the post of vice president of the volleyball section. Izzath Waheed has filed nominations for the post of administrative vice-president and Aida Abdul Hakeem for the post of female vice president.

Aishath Fathinath had applied for the women's post of Exco. Fathuhullah Waheed (Fallo) has filed nominations for the position of third member, Sofwan Ahmed for the fourth post of general member of Exco and Shiyam Ali as the fifth member.

Section 22(b) of VAM's new governing regulations states that if there is only one candidate applying for a specific position, they will automatically be appointed to that position.

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