Chief Spokesperson at the President's Office Heena Waleed said that amendments are being proposed so as to adapt the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act to a democratic environment.
The President's Office has said today that the Government intends to propose amendments to the Right to Information Act.
Chief Spokesperson at the President's Office Heena Waleed said that amendments are being proposed so as to adapt the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act to a democratic environment.
She said that this is included in the Legal Reform Agenda of the Attorney General.
Details of the amendments that will be proposed have not been shared yet either by the President's Office or the Attorney General's Office.
This announcement has come at a time when the issue of the President's Office failing to attend hearings scheduled by the Information Commissioner has arisen.
While the rate of RTI requests have increased, the President's Office is observed to be the entity to which most requests are directed. Multiple complaints have been made about the President's Office failing to respond to such requests even as the standard window for compliance expires.
Information Commissioner Aahid Rasheed has decided to look into why the President's Office is failing to comply with the Right to Information Act and who will be held responsible for it.
Asked about this by Mihaaru, Heena responded that the Information Commissioner's Office also has the right to use the authority granted to it by law and that this is the accepted norm in democracies.
Despite these complaints, Heena maintains that the President's Office's policy is to conduct its work as transparently as possible, and to disclose information openly.
Information Commissioner Aahid Rasheed