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Alleged Covid-19 vaccine deaths need to be investigated: MP Ibrahim

MP Ibrahim Mohamed spoke on the bill to amend the Health Services Act and called to investigate the alleged deaths caused due to Covid-19 vaccines.

Ameera Osmanagic
24 June 2024, MVT 18:11
MP Ibrahim Mohamed at the 20th Parliament -- Photo: Majlis
Ameera Osmanagic
24 June 2024, MVT 18:11

Deaths alleged by families to have been caused due to Covid-19 vaccines need to be investigated, said ruling party People's National Congress (PNC)'s north Machhangolhi MP Ibrahim Mohamed today.

His comments were made in parliament today where he spoke on the bill proposed by the government to amend the Health Services Act.

Although MP Ibrahim called for the investigation of the deaths allegedly caused by Covid-19 vaccines, Health Protection Agency (HPA) of Maldives has not confirmed any death to have been a result of the inoculation.

However, some have linked the sudden deaths during and after the Covid-19 outbreak to the vaccine.

MP Ibrahim went onto suggest that a committee be put together to look into the deaths and take action against those responsible.

"A lot of families are still in mourning because the Covid[-19] deaths have not been investigated properly yet," he added.

He also said it is important to implement a preventative health care policy and investigate cases of individuals who have endangered the lives of others and punish them if necessary.

He also addressed the Covid-19 ventilator controversy from back in 2020 where government officials including the then health Minister Abdulla Ameen were accused of fraudulently procuring 149 ventilators, calling for the investigation of those involved in the scandal, as well as those who "rob" from the health sector.

He also called to investigate those who received vaccines at lower rates, but sold them at higher prices.

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