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24-12-24 sees 52 marriages in Male'

Family Court has said that there are 52 marriages scheduled for today, in light of the striking date of 24-12-24.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 December 2024, MVT 12:55
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Mariyath Mohamed
24 December 2024, MVT 12:55

Family Court has said that there are 52 marriages scheduled for today, in light of the striking date of 24-12-24.

The court said that there are 16 marriages scheduled during official hours and 36 marriages after hours.

52 marriages within a day is a relatively high number, but the following two dates also appear to have significantly high numbers of marriages scheduled.

As per the statistics shared by the Family Court, 192 marriages were officiated in November, with 205 in October.

Meanwhile, 148 divorces were recorded in October and 95 in November.

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