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Court orders confiscation of 22 vehicles smuggled into the country

Civil court has passed a ruling, which orders the State to seize 22 vehicles illegally smuggled into the country.

Aishath Shuba Solih
10 July 2024, MVT 13:39
MPL area where cargo containers are stored
Aishath Shuba Solih
10 July 2024, MVT 13:39

Civil Court has passed a ruling ordering the State to seize 22 vehicles that were smuggled into the country in violation of the Customs Act.

Maldives Customs had filed a case at Civil Court on charges that a private citizen had illegally brought in vehicles from two containers that left the Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) harbor after having been declared as plywood and timber.

A total of 22 vehicles and spare parts were in these two containers.

Investigation reports prove that the individual had illegally smuggled them into the country, said Customs at court, therefore appealing to confiscate the vehicles.

The ruling passed by Civil Court Judge, Mohammed Esafulhu today stated that despite the defendant denying the charges against him, claiming the vehicles hold no connection to him, they were smuggled under his username and password.

The ruling further decreed that the defendant has been unable to prove his login details were used by another party.

The ruling says that it is proven within civil standards that the goods were smuggled illegally. Therefore, the ruling decreed that the goods, which includes 22 vehicles and their spare parts can be confiscated by the State.

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