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Corrugated steel fence collapses, damaging parked vehicles

Mariyath Mohamed
15 August 2024, MVT 23:02
Mariyath Mohamed
15 August 2024, MVT 23:02

A corrugated steel fence partitioning a parking lot near the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital has collapsed in strong winds tonight, causing damage to many motorcycles parked adjacent to it.

The fence was fixed in the parking zone near the hospital entrance which leads to the Emergency Response Unit.

The lot is used by both visitors to the hospital, as well as residents of ViliMale', who park their motorcycles there before catching a ferry back to ViliMale' from the nearby ferry terminal.

Many vehicles were damaged in the incident. Handles had nearly come off on some motorcycles, with others appearing to be in need of extensive repairs before further use.

A tree in the vicinity had also been felled in the winds.

It is so far unknown whether any persons sustained injuries in this incident, nor is the number of vehicles damaged known.

MET Office has predicted that the current stormy weather conditions will continue across the country over the weekend as well, with torrential downpours, rough seas, and strong winds expected.

Tomorrow is predicted to see heavy rainfall in capital Male' city.

Wind speeds are at 25 to 30 miles per hour, with gusts of over 50 miles per hour.

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