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Vaccine card digitalised, health information now on a portal

The Ministry of Health has inaugurated Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS).

Ameera Osmanagic
26 December 2024, MVT 19:01
Inauguration of the Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS) -- Photo: Health Ministry Inauguration of the Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS) -- Photo: Health Ministry
Inauguration of the Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS) -- Photo: Health Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
26 December 2024, MVT 19:01

Starting Wednesday, vaccine cards will be digitized, following the launch of a health information portal yesterday.

The portal named Maldives Integrated Health Information System (MIHIS) was launched at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Health. It was inaugurated by Minister Abdulla Nazim.

The ministry said that the purpose of the initiative is to provide the public with safe and easy access to health information in the most transparent manner possible. One of the most important aspects of this portal is the digitization of children's development information, the ministry said.

As per the ministry, the launch of the portal is an important step towards consolidating the information contained in other systems currently used to collect health sector information and making it easily available to the public.

The ministry said that from next Wednesday, newborns will be given digital vaccination cards, and that information of the growth charts, growth rates, vitamins and medicines given to the child will be available on the portal.

“In addition, the system will monitor growth [of the child] and provide SMS notifications to remind parents when the vaccination date is approaching,” the health ministry said.

People living in the atolls where the module is being implemented will be able to access information on non-communicable diseases and their risks on the public portal, the ministry said.

The ministry further said a notification will be sent to those who have participated in the primary health care program who need to undergo follow-ups.

The portal will be expanded to include general health information, treatment and test results, the ministry also said.

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