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22 persons provided temporary shelter after last night's fire

Out of the 33 persons in houses affected by last night's fire, 22 persons from five homes are now being provided temporary shelter and food, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 January 2025, MVT 10:31
Mariyath Mohamed
23 January 2025, MVT 10:31

Out of the 33 persons in houses affected by last night's fire, 22 persons from five homes are now being provided temporary shelter and food, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said.

The fire occurred at 'Fruit Tree Apple' - a seller of nuts, candy, chocolates and cosmetics, located on Majeedhee Magu in capital Male' City.

NDMA said that 10 homes in the surrounding area had been affected by smoke from the fire, with 33 persons identified as being in need of assistance. This includes 14 Maldivians and 19 foreigners.

The authority said that of these, temporary shelter and food has been arranged for 14 Maldivians from five homes and 8 foreigners.

One foreign family has shifted to private temporary accommodations, while the remaining 11 expatriates were provided assistance by their sponsor companies, NDMA said.

The fire broke out around 4:20am, with MNDF saying it had been brought under control by 5:27am. The fire was put out by 6am, by which point the warehouse had been damaged beyond use.

The two storey structure where the fire incident occurred is built with steel and corrugated iron sheets. MNDF has not yet disclosed how the fire broke out.

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