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Historical tree in Baarah set on fire

Baarah Council President Asif Abdulla told Mihaaru that the fire had occurred in the late hours of last night. Details of the incident remain unconfirmed so far.

Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 11:53
Kaani Tree, believed to have grown from a pole set in the ground by Bodu Thakurufaanu to build the sail of Kalhuohfummi, set on fire by arsonists.-- Photo: Baarah Council
Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 11:53

The over 400 year old 'Kaani Gas' (Cordia Subcordata Tree) in Haa Alif Baarah has been set on fire.

Baarah Council President Asif Abdulla told Mihaaru that the fire had occurred in the late hours of last night. Details of the incident remain unconfirmed so far.

The Kaani Gas in Baarah.-- Photo: Naajih

"We cleaned the area yesterday. The tree still had life, so we cleaned near the tree as well. There was a Nika Gas {banyan tree) growing from within this tree, so we cleaned with it. I do not know yet to say how this happened," he said.

The tree has been maintained as a historical heritage by the council.

This historical tree is believed to have grown from a pole planted in the land by Boduthakurufaanu (Sultan Ghazi Muhammadh Thakurufaanu) to build the sail of Kalhuohfummi - the ship he sailed in the year 1558 in the battle to save Maldives from Portuguese rule.

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