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Maldivians traveling to India have been advised not to carry vapes and e-cigarettes

Anaan Bushry
24 February 2024, MVT 07:47
Anaan Bushry
24 February 2024, MVT 07:47

Maldivian travelers bound for India are advised against carrying vapes and e-cigarettes, according to a recent social media post by the national airline Maldivian. The statement, in compliance with regulations set by the Indian Air Transport Authority, emphasizes the prohibition of importing or exporting e-cigarettes and vaping products to India.

A Maldivian official informed Mihaaru that the advisory was issued to prioritize passenger awareness and safety, given the increasing occurrence of individuals carrying e-cigarettes and vapes on flights bound for India. He clarified that some passengers mistakenly believed the ban only applied to carrying such items in their hand luggage, prompting the need for the statement.

The official stated, ''Some passengers have carried vapes or e-cigarettes in their luggage, thinking it was only banned to carry them in their hand luggage. That is why we are issuing this statement so people can be more cautious on the matter.''

It is worth noting that in 2020, India, a popular destination for Maldivian travelers, imposed a ban on the import and export of e-cigarettes and vaping products via air travel. Additionally, in 2019, the Indian government prohibited the use of e-cigarettes and vapes within the country.

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