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MMA holds Financial Information sessions in island schools

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) is conducting dedicated information sessions for schools in various regions of the country.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 09:23
MMA Governor Ali Hashim
Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 09:23

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) is conducting dedicated information sessions for schools in various regions of the country.

The sessions were first conducted in Fuvahmulah, for secondary grade students.

MMA Governor Ali Hashim also participated in this first session of the MMA lecture series. He shared stories of his vast experiences in the field with students and spent time responding to queries posed by them.

The lecture series includes sessions on Maldives economy and fiscal areas. Financial awareness and the importance of saving for the future were also covered.

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