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Tree in TT Association premises falls

Mariyath Mohamed
20 February 2024, MVT 20:25
Images of the fallen tree at the premises of the TT Association.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
20 February 2024, MVT 20:25

A tree on the premises of the Table Tennis Association has fallen this afternoon, prompting immediate police response to the incident.

The Table Tennis Association is located at the old Youth Center in Henveiru, Male' City.

Police said that they received reports of the fallen tree at 15:31 hrs this afternoon.

Police confirmed that no persons were injured in this incident. However, they said that a van parked in the vicinity received damages.

As seen in pictures, the tree trunk had broken, causing the larger portion of the tree to fall sideways right on top of the parked van.

Police are looking into the matter and conducting related enquiries where deemed necessary.

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